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When the staff of Man became a staff of God

Intro: A staff is a stick that people used to support them, especially the shepherds and the old people. 

When the staff of Man becomes a staff of God we will see great and amazing things will happen. 

You may wonder how the staff (rod) of Man became a staff of God?

Let's see this from the life of Moses and his staff by looking from the book of Exodus.

Exodus 4:1 told us that Moses used to shepherd his father-in-law's flocks. One day, while shepherding his flocks, the angel of the Lord appeared to him from the bush. (v.2) When Moses turned to look at what was happening, the Lord called him from that bush (v.4). If we read further we will see the conversation between God and Moses, and Moses keeps excusing God (vv.11 following, and 4:1 following). After that God asked Moses, What is that in your hand? (Exo.4:2). Then Moses replied, "A Staff"

To make the story short, God said to Moses, take that staff with you, and by that staff you will perform signs and wonders.

Exodus 4:17 But take this staff in your hand so you can perform the signs with it. Since then, that staff became a staff of God. 

Exodus 4:20 So Moses took his wife and sons, put them on a donkey and started back to Egypt. And he took the staff of God in his hand.

When Moses obeyed God and went, we see with that staff he performed many signs and wonders.

#-1. That Staff turned into a snake and ate the snakes of the magicians of Pharaoh. Exodus 5:8-12

#-2. With that Staff that he used to shepherd flocks, he hit the river Nile and the river became blood, and not only the river but all the water vessels of Egyptians became blood. Exodus 7:14-21

#-3. With that Staff, was sent the frogs to all the ponds, rivers and even in the houses of Egyptians, on all the ovens and everything was filled with frogs. Exodus 8:1-15

#-4. With that Staff, was struck the dust of the ground and all the dust throughout the land of Egypt became gnats and the gnats came on people and animals. Exodus 8:16‭-‬17

#-5. With that Staff, was sent the hail, thunder, lightning and the hail struck the land of Egypt, man, animals, herbs and everything was destroyed. Exodus 9:22-26

#-6. With that Staff, was sent the locusts and they invaded all of Egypt and settled down in every area of the country in great numbers. Never before had there been such a plague of locusts, nor will there ever be again. They covered all the ground until it was black. They devoured all that was left after the hail—everything growing in the fields and the fruit on the trees. Nothing green remained on trees or plants in all the land of Egypt. Exodus 10:13‭-‬15

#-7. With that Staff, the Red Sea was parted. Exodus 14:15-22

#-8. With that Staff, he hit the rock and the water came out that the Israelites may drink in that wilderness. Exodus 17:1-7

#-9. With that Staff, he overcame the Amalekites. Exodus 17:8-16

This is what we saw that God can do with that Staff of Moses, even though it was just a staff of Man, but when given in the hands of God that Staff became powerful.

I want to relate this with our lives. Maybe some of you, you may think that my life is just a stick (staff), you feel that you cannot do much better, you feel useless. But I tell you, if you just commit your life in the hands of God, God will use you more than you think you can do. If God can use the Staff of Moses who was just a stick. How much more he can use us too. Don't underestimate yourselves.

** He used Jeremiah who was just a child. (Jer 1:4-7)
** He used David who was just a shepherd boy. (1 Sam 17:15)
** He used Moses who was slow of speech and slow of tongue. (Exodus 4:10)
** He used Gideon, even though he was from a very poor family. (Judges 6:15)
** He used the disciples who were illiterate. (Acts 4:13)
** He can use you also, no matter who you are. Hallelujah!

Prayer: Lord, I commit my life into your hands, take me just as I am, use me for your glory. In Jesus name I asked. Amen

May God bless you.

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© Jester Mawlong | June 7, 2021


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